304 Crockett Street, George West TX 78022
Lost & Found
We have a lost and found in our office. If you have lost anything and think it might have been in the church or hall building, or anywhere on the grounds, please check with our office during business hours. We may have what you're looking for.
Practice Stewardship
Please take time to lock up our facilities after a Mass or event, turn off lights, and reset AC settings. Your help is most appreciated. Let's do our part to keep St. George safe and efficient for all those who visit our sacred grounds.
Safe Environment Trainings
Providing a safe space for our children and elderly, the most vulnerable, is important to us at St. George. Safe Environment Trainings are provided on a regular basis. Please call the parish office for the next date or to be connected with one of our trained safe environment coordinators.
Food Pantry
The food pantry handout takes place every 4th Saturday of the month except November and December due to holiday scheduling. If you'd like to help with the prep work, join the food pantry volunteers on the Thursday before the 4th Saturday. "Many hands make light work."
Communion Service
Sacrament Requests
If you need a duplicate sacramental certificate, please call or visit the parish office. Be prepared to share name, birthdate, and other vital information to complete your request.
Weekly Prayer List
Our prayer list can now be found posted on our office window, the bulletin board in the church foyer, and the day chapel. You can add names to the list anytime by writing them in or calling the parish office.
Scam Alert
Scammers are always on the prowl for easy targets. Please do not respond or reply to any suspicious email or text requests from Father Romeo regarding needing money, being on a foreign trip and stranded, or needing anyone to run errands for him. Please know that, if this is the case, he will call you directly himself. Please be or get familiar with his email address and phone number. Thank you.
We now have candles available for St. Patrick's Day and Easter. Get yours in the church foyer or the parish office during office hours. Candles are $5.00 each.
Drop Box
The parish office now has a drop box for your ease.
If you need to drop off anything to us at anytime, you can now do so after hours and on the weekend. The drop box is located on the side of our office building facing the kitchen door of the parish hall. You can simply send a quick email or text to let us know, or check with us, that we have received your item. Items are limited to envelopes only (no boxes).
Office Hours
Our office is open Monday through Thursday, 9:00 am to 12:00 noon and 1:00 to 5:00 pm for your convenience.
Mass Intentions
Mass intentions are $5.00 each and can be requested anytime. There are forms available in the parish office or you can mail or email them to Virg. Please include a phone number or email in case of questions. Thank you.